
By Vitor Kamada


Last updated 11-6-2020

Papers and data used in the book: Causal Inference with Python.

Basten, Christoph, and Frank Betz (2013). Beyond Work Ethic: Religion, Individual, and Political Preferences. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 5 (3): 67-91. Online Appendix. finaldata.dta

Becker, Sascha O., and Ludger Woessmann. (2009). Was Weber Wrong? A Human Capital Theory of Protestant Economic History. Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 (2): 531-96.

Bertrand, Marianne, and Sendhil Mullainathan. (2004). Are Emily and Greg More Employable Than Lakisha and Jamal?. A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination. American Economic Review, 94 (4): 991-1013. lakisha_aer.dta

Bisschop, Paul, Stephen Kastoryano, and Bas van der Klaauw. (2017). Street Prostitution Zones and Crime. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9 (4): 28-63. CBSregist2015.dta

Edelman, Benjamin, Michael Luca, and Dan Svirsky. (2017). Racial Discrimination in the Sharing Economy: Evidence from a Field Experiment. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 9 (2): 1-22. Airbnb.csv

Fey, Mark, Richard D. McKelvey, and Thomas R. Palfrey. (1996). An Experimental Study of Constant-Sum Centipede Games. International Journal of Game Theory, 25(3): 269-87.

Fryer, Roland G., Jr., and Steven D. Levitt. (2004). The Causes and Consequences of Distinctively Black Names. Quarterly Journal of Economics 119 (3): 767-805.

Imbens, G., & Kalyanaraman, K. (2012). Optimal Bandwidth Choice for the Regression Discontinuity Estimator. The Review of Economic Studies, 79(3), 933-959.

Keynes, John Maynard. (1936). The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. Harcourt, Brace and Company, and printed in the U.S.A. by the Polygraphic Company of America, New York.

Meyersson, Erik. (2014). Islamic Rule and the Empowerment of the Poor and Pious. Econometrica, 82(1), 229-269. regdata0.dta

Montesquieu, C. (1748). The Spirit of the Laws. London: T. Evans, 1777, 4 vols. Vol. 2. Online Library of Liberty.

Oreopoulos, Philip. (2011). Why Do Skilled Immigrants Struggle in the Labor Market? A Field Experiment with Thirteen Thousand Resumes. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 3 (4): 148-71. oreopoulos.dta

Palacios-Huerta, Ignacio, and Oscar Volij. (2009). Field Centipedes. American Economic Review, 99 (4): 1619-35. Chess.xls

Weber, Max. (1930). The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. New York: Scribner, ( 1905).

Ziebarth, Nicolas L. (2013). Identifying the Effects of Bank Failures from a Natural Experiment in Mississippi during the Great Depression. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 5 (1): 81-101. MS_data_all_years_regs.dta